Erasmus + KA219
Impact on students:
CITIES will have several lasting impacts on the students. First of all, students will develop skills important for their active participation as a European citizen in the European market and society, which will enhance their chances on the European job market and will put them in the position to lead successful and meaningful lives in a future Europe. Through the activities in this project they will learn to recognise present and future challenges such as demographic change and climate change to our society and cities both on a local level and in a European context. They will learn to explore and investigate these challenges and to develop possible solutions. They will also make an impact on at least one aspect in their communities and will experience the importance of an active European citizenship and how, and that, it is possible to make an impact. Working on the project and reaching out to the local community (e.g. when organising the public debate) students will enhance their organisation skills as well.
In addition to developing their competences in active citizenship and entrepreneurship, students will also develop other basic and transversal skills through the project activities, for example their speaking, debating, discussion and writing skills. They will increase their skills in Europe's lingua franca, English, by working on the activities and mixing with their peers from the other countries. They will also improve their ICT and digital skills by using ICT during activities and for communication throughout the project.
Students will also gain profound knowledge about the European city, its function for our society, its challenges (such as an aging population, energy and environment issues, transportation, housing, immigration, participation and government questions) and its future development. This knowledge will allow them to deal more efficiently with present and future problems in our societies and cities. What is more, during transnational learning activities students will also experience other European countries and cultures and will profit from this raised European awareness and cultural competence, for example when working in a European context.
Impact on teachers:
The teachers taking part in the project will develop their ICT, English language, organisation and evaluation skills, which will be helpful for their teaching. They will get new ideas about European citizenship and will enhance their European awareness so that they will be enabled to address European issues more competently in class. Most importantly they will experience and develop new and innovative methodologies which they will employ in their teaching, in particular a focus on learning outcomes and new ICT and CLIL approaches. They will also get insights into the education systems, schools and teaching in other European countries, which will further enhance their own teaching.
Impact on schools:
The participating schools will benefit from the dissemination of the project's results and learning outcomes in a number of ways: The teachers taking part in the project will disseminate new and innovative teaching methodologies in their subject groups as well as through the brochure created during the last meeting so that ICT and digital, CLIL and language teaching and learning will improve. Students and teachers will benefit from the results displayed in the schools in the form exhibitions as well as from those published in brochures or online as they can be used in relevant subjects. Since significantly more students will take part in the project than the number of students receiving a grant, for example in classes working on the (pre-)tasks and activities and as hosts during transnational meetings, the impact on the student body and thus the schools will be even bigger.
The idea and awareness of Europe will be strengthened in the wider school community in all schools through taking part in CITIES. The schools will gain further international experience and will become and think more internationally. Further international activities, projects and exchanges will be likely to develop as a consequence of this project. In addition, also the European awareness of parents will be raised, for example since they will be involved in the project acting as hosts and taking part in selected events such as international evenings or dinners.
Impact on other stakeholders:
CITIES will also leave an impact on the stakeholders of the project and increase their European awareness and reflection on major present and future European challenges. There will be an impact on the town administrations and town councils due to the fact that the students will contact them as experts but will also make suggestions for improving and developing the local communities. Other stakeholders made an impact on will be, among others, experts from universities, local energy suppliers and homes for the elderly.